Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I got an email from Chase last night. He said that if I didn't forgive him he was going to kill himself. My first reaction was to write him and say, Do what you got to do! but I decided that was to way to cold on my part. Instead of writing anything my inclination now is to juts ignore the email.

I am going to go to NYC over spring break! Well 4 days of it anyway. (April 2nd – the 6th) Bo’s father is an executive with Marriott and he wants Bo to visit him in the city that week. Bo asked him if he could bring a friend and so I’m going to be in the Big Apple!
We get there Saturday morning and leave the following Wednesday. I am so excited! I just love it up there!

I do have to scrounge up sum Bux though. Bo’s dad is flying us up and we don’t have to pay anything for the hotel. Even so, New York is expensive.